Test Sending Working Conference
In order to complete the work well in the Senior High School Entrance Examination and ensure the steady and smooth implementation of the exam work, at 7 A.M. on 12th June, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High Department of the east campus convened the test sending working conference for teachers from the 9th grade. The conference was presided over by Principal Assistant Lu Dan. Also in attendance were Junior High Deputy Directors Wang Shengxiang, Hu Sen and all the teachers who would send tests.
To be specific, each teacher from the 9th grade group who was involved in test sending was required to focus on each link in the Senior High School Entrance Examination, make contingency plans, keep the phone unblocked, educate students on safety education in the following aspects: tests, traffic and drowning prevention as well as complete various work tasks in time according to the working time node of the Senior High School Entrance Examination to guarantee no mistakes in the exam work.
To sum up, Principal Assistant Lu Dan emphasized that each teacher who sent tests was supposed to pay attention to the time nodes of the Senior High School Entrance Examination, clarify responsibility, arrive at the examination room an hour earlier and greet each examinee with a warm smile to ensure the safe, steady and orderly implementation of the test sending work. At last, may each candidate achieve excellent marks in the Senior High School Entrance Examination.
